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A Week in 2082

Dive into a top-secret football training camp set on winning the Enhanced Olympic World Cup.

Under the shadow of Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh . . . 

The global football team, POW, is plunged into crisis as its top billion-dollar Enhanced Athlete, A1, goes missing.


At the heart of the crisis there is a dichotomy between Insiders and the global PR team . . .

With a self-serving Coach controlling the footballers through intrusive espies and lies; and a PR team whitewashing their worldwide fans. What is really going on?


Footballers die . . . 

Under the auspices of an authoritarian Mad Prof who had gone rogue. Desperate to stay ahead of the competition, he experiments in deathly Enhancement operations.


Insiders Unite . . .

An unlikely group forms a resistance to disrupt.


An auspicious Shiba Inu . . .

Living a double life, sees all and brings comfort and luck to his Mistress.


The ultimate race-against-Enhancement has begun as citizens flee to PAX

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